Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Charles Dederich

365|Reset Master Program™
Investing in the decision for change is driven by timing, desire, and readiness. Investing in the resources to support that decision is about time and money. If you decided on “resetting” with me using the 365Reset Master Program™ you may have some questions on what to expect.
Below are some frequently asked questions and answers.
What is the 365Reset Master Program™?
The 365Reset Master Program is a six-week one-on-one coaching program with a single-minded and personalized focus on mastering the art of resetting
Based on using the four elements of resetting (insights, imagination, support, and practice), the program is designed around your needs and goals.
As part of a group, we work from the from the genesis of your idea to the reality your desired changes.
What will I receive by working with you?
Gain clarity and focus of desired outcome
Create a Reset Mindful Action Plan or M.A.P. to help navigate the changes you want.
Interim Reset Activities ..... It’s important to keep the eye on the prize!
Recommendations of additional resources to check out
Additional Outcomes You Can Expect:
Discover the transforming power of your AHA's (Authentic Honest Answers) and AWE's (Awaken Willingness to Engage)
Use insights, core needs, and reset values to create your reset
Understand the three environments to support your change
Develop habits to lower stress and increase focus
Learn and use self-hypnosis to support change
Identify the four types of values to anchor your desired changes
​Identify stress triggers: Learn the Art of Stress Rebounding
Understand your eight core needs and use them to strengthen your reset
Create success triggers
What if I decide to sign up for the program?
Great! We will work together to create a Reset Partnership Agreement* and schedule your next session.
You will also receive a questionnaire and assessments prior to your first session to determine where you are and where you want to go. All information is good information as part of creating strategies that will work for you to get what you want. It's a time to start dreaming and prepare for results!!
What is a Reset Partnership Agreement*?
The Reset Partnership Agreement defines details for your success (goals, vision, sessions, activities, needs, values, success criteria). We start with the end in mind! There are also functional details of working together too (i.e., scheduling, communications, payment terms, etc.).
Since this is a partnership, we create an agreement that includes what you need and expect from me as well as what I will expect from you to ensure your success. Change and reaching goals is challenging work, so we want to make sure that everything that is needed for your reset is part of our agreement. We share one common goal and that is your success!
How often are the sessions?
The scheduling of sessions varies depending on your needs, however weekly sessions are recommended to support change.
​I am available by phone, Zoom, or office visit (Martinez). I am available between sessions with email support, if needed. Your success is important so staying connected to mindfully reset is part of the process. I am available for hourly sessions (11:00am to 6:00pm PST).
Why does it take six weeks to complete the program?
Research shows that developing new habits or creating real change takes self-awareness, self-assessment, support, and accountability with repeated practice of behaviors and beliefs over a committed period of time. ​
What if I am not ready or can’t afford the time or money now, but I want to work on some issues?
Sure, let’s talk. Whether you want to focus on specific short-term changes or if want to begin to ponder possibilities and promote clarity for bigger changes, we can focus on that as well.
You may be interested in joining a future online group program or participate in a weekend workshop. If so, sign up with your email and I will keep you posted on upcoming events.
How will I know if you are the right coach for me?
Good question! This is important since this about your life! Finding someone who is right for you takes a little research. I would encourage to take advantage of free invitations to chat that most coaches offer. Ask friends, family, co-workers for referrals. You want to find someone whose approach and philosophy makes sense to you. I would love to be that someone for you. I am happy to speak with you as well to answer any other questions.
Email: Ginnibrown@365-reset.com